Red Collar Boy
Viewed: 931 times.
Blue Collar Boy
Viewed: 711 times.
Green Collar Boy
Viewed: 708 times.
Black Girl
Viewed: 723 times.
Yellow Girl
Viewed: 857 times.
The crew after they were told outside for some fresh air and sorta sunshine
Viewed: 846 times.
Lovely the damp grass
Viewed: 961 times.
Mr Red says 'The collar is itchy, scratchy'
Viewed: 940 times.
Hmm am I sitting straight enough? Black girl puppy
Viewed: 924 times.
Mr Green is going head to head with Mr. Red
Viewed: 959 times.
Mr Blue has sit, stay done perfectly
Viewed: 861 times.
"ignore her, she's just taking more pictures"
Viewed: 952 times.
Watching the road traffic
Viewed: 947 times.
Its like a jungle out here
Viewed: 900 times.
Black girl puppy
Viewed: 874 times.
Two sisters
Viewed: 848 times.
Mr Blue says "If I could lift my leg, I would!" LOL
Viewed: 966 times.
Now is there anything to chew in here?
Viewed: 949 times.
Green and Purple want to play, Red's out for the count
Viewed: 918 times.